History has shown that the tactical community needed a better system for delivering Non-lethal pyrotechnic chemical agents when confronted with barricaded suspects. By their very nature pyrotechnic Non-lethal chemical agents burn in excess of 2000 degrees and constitute an extreme fire hazard. A system was needed which would minimize the chance of starting fires. Through the development of the BurnSafe™ and GasRam™, heavy concentrations of pyrotechnic Non-lethal chemical agents can be delivered efficiently with minimal probability of starting a fire. Both the BurnSafe™ and GasRam™ are multi-purpose tools. They enable tactical teams various ways to deal with barricaded suspects by delivering Non-lethal chemical agents into hardened structures. The systems are designed so that a delivery team can deploy the tools into the structure with minimal risk of starting a fire. The effectiveness of pyrotechnic CS over liquid delivery systems has been proven historically. Pyrotechnic CS has effectively denied access to and forced individuals from fortified structures. Liquid and powder barricade penetrating projectiles have proven to be less effective in maintaining airborne persistency. They are potentially dangerous due to the ballistic capability of the projectile which could strike a suspect. The frangible projectiles often deploy their contents into drapes, furniture or embed into walls; thereby decreasing their effectiveness. The Bum Safe and Gas Ram provide an effective alternative to the launchable 37 & 40mm projectiles.
The GasRam™ is a multi use tool that can be utilized for forced entry as a door ram or be deployed as a pyrotechnic Non-Lethal Chemical Agent delivery system. The GasRam™ is available in two sizes, Magnum or Standard. The Magnum weighs 35 pounds and the Standard weighs 25 pounds. One or two man delivery teams can use either size GasRam™. Inserting the 5 inch round strike plate allows the tool to be used as a door ram. Both the Standard and the Magnum can be fitted with 12 inch or 24 inch probes for delivering Non-lethal pyrotechnic chemical agents.
Pyrotechnic Non-lethal chemical agent can be dispensed through walls, doors, sheet metal siding and into vehicles. Inserting the longer 24 inch probe allows use through roofs and dead air spaces. Both probes are very effective in delivering significant amounts of Non-lethal chemical agents with a minimal probability of starting fires. The Standard GasRam™ has an overall length of 26 inches and allows its use in confined areas. For hardened structures requiring greater penetration, the Magnum GasRam™ is the more effective tool of choice. The use of the GasRam™ will increase your team’s effectiveness and provide you with an alternative delivery system.


See slide show of Gas Ram
See video of Gas Ram

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